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With millions of people looking for a better way to achieve financial peace, prosperity, and freedom, The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity is the answer. The simple steps to a better and stronger financial future await you through the implementation of these four simple but powerful laws. If applied, the principles of financial wellness taught in this book will produce lasting results. This entertaining and captivating book shows that how much a person earns isn’t nearly as important in achieving prosperity as most people think. Nearly anyone, on any income, can achieve peace, prosperity, and freedom by applying the 4 Laws.

Whether you are purchasing The 4 Laws book for yourself, for a family member, as a gift, for your students, for your clients, or for your employees, you are making a decision that will pay the reader for a lifetime!

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    See What People Are Saying

    I have three books on my desk and The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity is one of them. My bookcase is filled with good books, but on my desk are the really great ones close at hand.
    This book has taken complex principles and simplified them in a way that every person can understand and apply them. Everyone has a cookbook that guides them in the kitchen; this book guides them in their finances. The book is a true gift for every person that touches money.
    Cate Williams, VP Financial Literacy, Money Management International

    This book remains on the top of my list of favorites. My wife and I (both fans of the book) have made significant improvements to our financial status in the past two years since reading “The 4 Laws”. I mean significant! We've paid off $29K in credit card debt, invested the same amount in mutual funds, both are able to max out our 401(k) plans, have met our contribution limits to our Roth IRA's already and are planning our next visit to ski in Austria! That is our story now. It was far from pretty before implementing “The 4 Laws”. It is important to note, like anything worthwhile, it takes goal setting, planning, and follow-through to achieve. This book lit a fire that no other book could. In fact, about 10 of my friends have received a copy of their own as gifts from us. Simply a great feeling knowing that I can control my life and help others to achieve the same experience. Peace, love, and happiness

    Scott, Pennsylvania